Our very own Lucia, will be presenting her new book with a walk 'A Trail with a Tail' at 11.00am this Sat 15th October as part of Hullabaloo in Sandown. Meet at The Blue Fountains outside Browns Cafe and Golf Course. The walk is about 1 mile and the session is 90 mins. Aimed at children between 5 and 10 and their families.
She will also be doing another talk at 3.40pm about the book process in the Speaker's Tent. Lucia has another storytelling session at 2.25pm in the Spoke and Heard Tent about the curious
creatures of the biosphere.
There are lots of free events on over the weekend, all info can be found at https://www.hullabalooiw.com/

Just to confirm Lucia says you can either book on the Walking Festival web site or just turn up on the day and register!
Do we need to book this or just turn up x